There's always lots happening on Hallowe'en night – so it's particularly important to ensure you and your kids are safe.
Whether you are four or forty, Hallowe'en can be scary!
Masks, lights, smoke, and goblins can have anyone feeling a little jumpy. The best way to make sure Hallowe'en is fun for all is by staying safe while out and about!
Here are our five best safety tips for a spook-free Hallowe'en.
1. Wear something reflective
Your grim reaper costume? Yes, it’s super cool and we love it! However, wearing all black at night can make you hard to see. Wearing a reflective armband, head band, or even better... and dressing as a construction worker can make you even more visible.
2. Stick with a group
We all know that there is power in numbers! Being in a group makes Hallowe'en way more fun and you are much more visible to traffic. We suggest the buddy system, at the very least!
3. Carry a flashlight
Trick or treating at night can be a little eerie without a flashlight. Ghosts and black cats tend to lurk in the shadows, so having a flashlight will let you spot them before they pounce! It will also help you to be seen by cars, people, and especially your group of friends and family.
4. Avoid long clothing
Long dresses, gowns, props and accessories can get tangled in your feet, causing you to trip. Avoiding a fall up or down the stairs, or in the middle of the sidewalk will help keep all hands and knees skid free.
5. Look both ways... then look again
There is a lot of commotion on the streets during Halloween. Whether you are trick-or-treating or visiting a corn maze, there are probably a lot of people and cars around. Look both ways before crossing the road or a parking lot, and always keep looking a lookout. Making sure you know your surroundings will allow you to make better decisions!
Once you return home on Hallowe'en night safe and sound, you will have all the candy and a ton of great memories!