Bundled Policies Are Better Together
You’ve heard it before: 'bundle your home and car insurance'. But, what does that really mean?
Bundling means that you are purchasing multiple insurance policies from the same insurance company. The most common type of bundle includes property and vehicle policies, such as your homeowners insurance bundled with your vehicle(s). However, this is by no means the limit to your options.
There are many different types of bundles available, and we are able to build one with almost any personal insurance policy. Connect with us to discuss your options!
- Premiums Savings
- Increased Coverage
- Better Broker Advice
- Loyalty Perks
- Improved Claims Service
- Policy Simplicity
- Peace of Mind
Talk to an insurance specialist, today!
If you think that our team is the right fit for you or you want to learn more about how we can protect your home and vehicles, please leave your information below. We've kept this form short – just enough information to know who you are before one of us reaches out to you to get to know you and your family better.
Products We Specialize In
- Personal vehicles
- Independent business vehicles
- Home - condo & single family
- Tenants Insurance
- Home-based business
Important Coverage to Consider
- Water Damage
- Contents
- Additional Living Expenses
- Collision and Comprehensive
- Umbrella Liability
Enjoy the savings and simplicity.
Your quote. Your way.
At McConville Omni, your London & St. Thomas insurance company, we take the time to get to know you – so that we are fully confident that we are bringing you the very best insurance coverage for you, your family and your business.