Southwestern Ontario got hit with a lot of snow and ice over the last few days! As expected, inclement weather means an increase in car crashes, fender benders, burst pipes and slip and falls, all of which can leave you stranded, exposed or worse, injured.
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to report a claim to your insurance company this winter, here are all the ways you can do it, and what you can expect out of the process.
An Emergency, After-Hours
Claims don’t wait for business hours, and they always seem to occur at the most inopportune times. Isn’t that always the way? You’re just trying to get to hockey practice, you’re sideswiped and you get hurt, or it’s the biggest snowfall of the year and a tree comes down onto your roof.
Our emergency after-hours claims line is available all evenings, weekends and holidays; basically any time our offices are closed. Here, we will take any information you have about the event, and we will help get you set up with a restoration company or a rental vehicle if you need it. We will also get the ball rolling on getting you connected with an adjuster from your insurance company, who will help walk you through settling your claim.
For Emergency, After-Hours Claims: 1-833-236-7839
For after-hours claims with an Ontario Farm Mutual Company: 1-877-488-6642
During Business Hours or Non-emergency, After-Hours
Just like how most claims don’t wait for business-hours, some do! Also, some claims are not severe enough to require immediate attention, so you can wait to get in touch with your broker until the next day. Get a crack in your windshield on the 401 or have a small leak in your home from the snow melting really quickly? There are lots of ways to get in touch with us to connect about these claims.
Call the office: London 519-673-0880 and St. Thomas 519-633-6687
Email our claims line: claims@mcconvilleomni.ca
Email or call your broker directly
Submit your information in the Client Portal: mcconvilleomnimobile.ca
What Happens Next?
Once we have connected about your claim, your broker will discuss your options with you and provide advice on how to best proceed. Once your claim has been submitted, an adjuster from your insurance company will be assigned to walk you through the process of settling your claim. We are here every step of the way to advocate on your behalf.
We know that submitting and going through the process of settling a claim can be stressful, but it is our job to guide you through it. Never hesitate to reach out to your broker, or our Claims Specialist Jeannette, with questions or inquiries. You can also check out our File A Claim web page to view FAQs and for all the contact information you'll need.