This September, going back to school looks a little different than usual! Preparing a child to successfully return to school each year can be costly. This year, that burden is even greater as each child is required to have their own supplies - no sharing allowed! With many of our own kids headed back to school, we knew that we needed to find a way to help ease the transition.
In August, we launched the Pack the Backpack campaign, where we asked our staff to donate much-needed school and hygiene supplies for local schools. We also reached out to our insurance company partners to ask for monetary support. We are thrilled to announce that with the help of our staff, Pembridge Insurance and SGI Canada, we were able to donate over $1,500 worth of supplies!
Working with our wonderful teachers, we came up with a list of high-need items for their classrooms! We were pleased to be able to purchase 17 backpacks (each with water bottle, lunch box and pencil case), 20 additional water bottles, 40 protractor kits, 15 scientific calculators, 30 hair brushes, 25 sticks of deoderant, 35 pairs of scissors, 45 packs of crayons, pencil crayons and markers and much more!
We teamed up with local teachers!
We teamed up with teachers from 4 great schools - McGillivray Central School (Mrs. Dietrich, grade 1), St. Anne's Elementary (Mrs. Brennan, Kindergarten), "Undisclosed School" (Mrs. Mundt, grade 7/8) and Westminster Central (Mrs. Stewart, Learning Support class). Each teacher has a few students in their class that are in need of extra supplies to make ends meet. They are also in need of extra supplies, and protective & hygiene products to support their entire classroom. Any extra supplies are being distributed by the teachers, to students who really need it!